Carving a narrow space into an even smaller section, a sense of cleanness pervades, attuned to the definition of its own periphery. Protection and limitation co-exist here within the context of purification.
This is a workshop, an operating room, a production line. The gleam of metal signals to the process of mass transformation beyond the ordinary objects; their dissected vestige reconfigured and sealed in its own place. Here, the word “organize” connotes a sinister intention, justified by the act of “cleaning”. Face to face with viewers as witnesses, at the end of the path, is a reminder of our returns to things appearing other than as we know them, nevertheless, they remain inconsequential.
Ko Sin Tung was born in 1987. She lives and works in Hong Kong. With a focus on elements related to city life, such as man-made objects, constructions, images with symbolic significance, etc, she uses a wide range of media to reflect the false hopes created by authoritative parties in social and living aspects. Her work has been exhibited at Hong-gah Museum, Taipei(2018); Tai Kwun Contemporary, Hong Kong(2018); Centre for Chinese Contemporary Art, Manchester(2017). She was awarded the Special Jury Prize of Huayu Youth Award(2016); Pure Art Foundation Grant(2013-2014);Project Grant (Emerging Artists Scheme) from the Hong Kong Arts Development Council(2014).
高倩彤,生于1987年,现于香港生活及工作。她关注与城市生活有关的元素,如各类人造物、建筑工地、具象徵意义的图像等,并运用不同的媒介探讨社会和日常生活层面中各种权力单位所制造出来的虚假期许。其作品曾于台北凤甲美术馆(2018)、香港大馆当代美术馆(2018)、曼彻斯特华人当代艺术中心(2017)中展出。她曾获三亚华宇青年奖评委会特别奖(2016)、香港Pure Art Foundation年度资助(2013-2014)、香港艺术发展局的新苗资助计划(2014)等。
openning SCENE

Dust and trivial matters——Ko Sin Tung
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